Presented by Mount Sinai Health System: How to Solve and Afford the Healthcare We Need


The high cost of health care is a burden on American families. Despite its excellence in many places in clinical care, research, and innovation, the US health care system is marked by pervasive disparities and by systemic barriers to equitable health service. Dr. Kenneth Davis has placed the Mount Sinai Health System at the forefront of building a population-health and value-based model of care — focused on wellness, health equity, and preventive care services that patients need to support health and wellbeing. The pandemic uncovered a sad truth: the existing investments in health care services and infrastructure are not adequate. Davis and guests discuss what it will take to ensure health is afforded by all and our health care system can survive the next pandemic crisis.

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Presented by Mount Sinai Health System: How to Solve and Afford the Healthcare We Need

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