Resetting for Equity and Inclusion


One positive thing about COVID-19 is that it has forced us to reckon with significant structural weaknesses across our economy that touch most Americans. Small businesses — many run by people of color — are shutting down because access to capital is so fragmented. A financial system that doesn’t reach individuals, businesses, and communities where investment is in desperately short supply. A digital infrastructure so incomplete that large pockets of urban and rural areas have limited to no access to the internet — now the key to the information superstructure that supports commerce, education, and basic information flows. An unmet demand for caregiving at every level — from children to the elderly — so significant that women have left the workforce by the millions. How do we address these structural and underfunded challenges? This is our moment to take stock of what we must reset to establish an equitable economy that serves every citizen.

  • 2021 RE$ET

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Resetting for Equity and Inclusion

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