Seeing Silence: The Beauty of the World's Most Quiet Places


Silence can be a way to connect us back to these places and remind us that nature actually has a lot to say.

Pete McBride ​Photographer and filmmaker

Seeing Silence: The Beauty of the World's Most Quiet Places


If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, does it still make a sound? Take a step into the world’s most remote places and you’ll realize the rich auditory texture that surrounds them. From the paper thin air of Mount Everest to the rushing waters of the Nile, the most beautiful places in the world are often the ones that are so free of human noise that they allow us to recognize what photographer and filmmaker Pete McBride calls “the sublime notes of nature.” What is it like to stand in places few humans have stepped foot in before? And, importantly, as these places are quickly vanishing, how do we preserve this beautiful sense of silence?

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Seeing Silence: The Beauty of the World's Most Quiet Places

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