Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope In Uncertain Times


It takes as much energy to imagine the worst as to imagine the best.

Adam Hamilton Co-Founder and Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church of the Resurrect...

Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope In Uncertain Times


Too often, the decisions we make are driven by fear. With its companions worry and anxiety, it permeates our lives and wreaks havoc on our relationships and communities, holding us back from the very pursuits that promise fulfillment and joy. As senior pastor of a church in America’s heartland, Adam Hamilton has seen the costs of fear up close. Drawing on recent research, real-life examples, and biblical insights, Hamilton helps us learn to counter specific fears and untangle the knots we get in when we let fear — of things from as minor as disappointment to as final as aging and death — be our guide.

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Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope In Uncertain Times

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