Adam Hamilton is founding pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, which he launched in 1990 with his wife and two children and whose congregation has grown to over 20,000 adults and children. Hamilton has written over 21 books, including When Christians Get It Wrong; Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White; Making Sense of the Bible;and his latest, Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times. Honors include the Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award, one of the “Religion and Ethics Newsweekly” TV program’s “ten people to watch in America’s spiritual landscape,” and United Methodist Reporter’s 2012 United Methodist Person of the Year.

Institutions and communities across America are divided over politics, culture, identity, and the overall direction of the country. Are religious congregations any different?...

Too often, the decisions we make are driven by fear. With its companions worry and anxiety, it permeates our lives and wreaks havoc on our relationships and communities, holdi...

The Rev. Adam Hamilton, who ministers to nearly 20,000 Methodists in and around Kansas City, is determined to mollify the deep divisions that he observes in his congregation a...

To many Americans, Christianity and Islam are on a collision course — one of the many fissures that are pulling our nation apart. But instead of being implements of division,...