Mona Eltahawy is a columnist and international public speaker on Arab and Muslim issues and global feminism based in Cairo and New York City. She is the author of Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution, a columnist for The New York Times opinion pages, and a guest analyst on television and radio shows. Previously, she was a news reporter in the Middle East, including almost six years at Reuters.Eltahawywasnamedone of Newsweek’s 150 Fearless Women of 2012, Arabian Business magazine’s 100 Most Powerful Arab Women of 2012, and TIME’s 2011 People of the Year along with other activists from around the world.

The idea that investing in girls is the single most effective investment available to spur economic development and end global poverty has become a widely popular notion. And...

Attitudes toward gender are a cultural signature. Women’s bodies and their dress are subject to ideological interpretations; the labels “man” and “woman” are increasingly reco...

The 3rd annual Spotlight Health is a deep-dive into issues around health, and it’s a momentous time for health. It’s becoming easier to alter human genes, and the Zika ep...