Urvashi Rangan leads the consumer safety and sustainability group for Consumer Reports, where she is executive director of CR’s Food Safety and Sustainability Center and its website greenerchoices.org. She has been at Consumer Reports for 16 years, starting as a senior scientist. Under Rangan’s direction, Consumer Reports released several reports on food safety and food labeling, including arsenic in grains, 4-MEI cancer risk from caramel color in sodas, GMOs in processed foods, shrimp safety and production, and antibiotics in meat production. She is a national spokesperson and scientific expert for the organization and serves on the FDA Food Advisory Committee and the board of the American National Standards Institute. (Festival Underwriter Presenter)

Sustainability is the green buzzword of the decade, especially in the context of feeding a growing population while preserving the environment for the next generations. Unfort...

Making sure that everyone has access to safe, affordable, and healthy food, is a complex task. Consider the complicated production and distribution systems, both large and sm...

Food labeling covers a range of issues important to consumers from personal health and well-being to healthier production systems. Consumers and advocates have been pushing fo...