HHS Secretaries: Looking Ahead, Looking Back


HHS, in terms of budget, would be 6th largest nation on Earth.

Alex Azar 24th HHS Secretary; Adjunct Professor, University of Miami Herbert Bus...

HHS Secretaries: Looking Ahead, Looking Back


With an annual budget hovering at $1.8 trillion, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the second largest US federal agency, surpassed only by the Department of Defense. Two former HHS Secretaries talk about their proudest achievements, the hardest decisions they had to make, and the advice they have for their successors. Learn what it’s like to be in the hot seat every day, grappling with Medicaid expansion, disease outbreaks, health at the border, Congressional pressure, food safety, medical research priorities, and children’s wellbeing—sometimes all at once.

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HHS Secretaries: Looking Ahead, Looking Back

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